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Friday, September 23, 2011


My ELA teacher gave us a novel 2 read and it was Hatchet. I felt like i knew the name but I never read it. Hatchet was written by Gary Paulsen and this book won the Newbery Honor Book It is about survival. And last year my ELA teacher got us 2 read another 1 like it called The Cay and I thought I would not like it but I actually loved it! Now back 2 Hatchet.....it is about  13-year-old Brian Robeson. Who is on his way 2 his father's house on a single plan when the plan crashes. Suddenly Brian finds himself alone in the Canadian wildness with  nothing but his clothes, a tattered windbreaker, and his hatchet that his mother gave him as a gift-and the dreadful secret  that has been tearing him apart ever since his parents' divorce, or the Secret as he calls it. But now Brian has no time for anger self-pity, or despair-it will take all his know-how and determination, and more courage than he knew he possessed, to survive. It is a good book. Teaches Brian a good lesson, don't be sad, don't sit in your own self-pity because that won't get anywhere! 

1 comment:

  1. I had to read that book last year in ELA. My brother loved that movie.
