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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Veteran' Day 2011

Happy 1 day late Veterans' Day! Yesterday was also 11-11-11. Which only happens in like 100 years. Next year it will be 12-12-12, but after that it won't happen until...2101 for 01-01-01. There's your little SS class for today. (LOL!) In my ELA class we wrote letters to veterans at a hospital. I know they will love the letters we wrote! My great grandfather is a veteran, he fought in World War 2. My brother & I found some things that he kept from it 2! It was sooo cool. But he died last year after Christmas but I know if it wasn't for him & all the other veterans that fought we wouldn't be here today in this fair country called USA! They were brave enough to go out & fight for our freedom, our rights, our education, our arts, & so much more! We should celebrate veterans every day though because they did so much for us. God bless America! :) Thank u to all of those who fought & all of those people who are family members of those who fought 2.

1 comment:

  1. My Uncle is in the army and my grandfather used to be in it because he got drafted. Anyway, Good job Hannah and I agree 100% all the way girl!
