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Thursday, December 1, 2011


I am like a reading queen right now...sorry but I just finished another book (don't worry I have even more books I haven't put up yet & haven't read) called SCHOOLED by Gordon Korman. Its about this 13 year old boy named Capricorn (Cap) Anderson who is kinda like a hippie. Cap has never watched TV, never tasted a pizza, never even heard of a wedgie and since he was little his only experience has been living on a farm and being home schooled by his hippie grandmother, Rain. But when Rain falls out of tree while picking plums and needs to stay in a hospital, Cap is forced to move in with a guidance counselor (who lived once with Rain when she was little so she knows what Cap is like from how she was) and her cranky 16 year old daughter and attend the local middle school. While Cap knows a lot about tie-dying, Zen Buddhism, no education could prepare him for the politics of public school. Right from the beginning Cap's weirdness makes him a moving target at Claverage Middle School (known as C Average by the students). He has long ungroomed hair, wears hemp clothes, and does tai chi out on the front lawn. Once Zach Powers, big hot shot at school who's mean, can't wait to show Cap the age-old tradition at C Average: the biggest nerd is nominated for class president....and wins! Will Cap turn out to be greatest president in the history of C Average or will it blow up in his face...??READ THE BOOK I WON'T TELL U!!This book is SO good though. Its funny but it shows how bad some people can be. Here is a lesson from the book to, don't judge a book by its cover. Just because someone looks weird, sounds silly, can't do something right, or just isn't the smartest person in the world doesn't mean they are an out case or should be made fun it! It isn't nice it hurts and before you open you mouth think how you would feel if someone said something mean about you...you feel bad and so does that person so don't judge. I loved this book...read it. Peace out baby! :) Hope u like my tie-dry colors!

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