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Thursday, October 27, 2011


I just finished the book Firegirl by Tony Abbott. I got this book last year & I ran out of books so I grabbed this out of my book self. Here is what the book says: "There is.....," Mrs. Tracy was saying quietly, "there is something you need to know about Jessica...." Wow..sounds bad...from this moment on, life is never quiet the same 4 Tom & his 7th grade classmates. Despite Jessica's shocking appearance from when she was burned and the fear she evokes in him and most of the class, Tom slowly develops a tentative friendship with Jessica that will change him in his life. This book shows me...life is so easy 2 loss..but God helps every1 & gets us though it. It shows how mean some people can be about how someone looks. Ever heard the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover."? Well that is true just because someone may look bad or like in this story burned it doesn't matter, all that matters is what is on the inside! I mean if u made a good friendship with someone who every1 was scared of would u have the courage 2 hold their hand, go 2 their house, or even just talk 2 them?! This book teaches something people really should know...so go read this book! It was really good! :) 

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